Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I ♥ Faces "Just for Fun" challenge!

Disclaimer! My new blog isn't set up yet, so I had to enter under this one - so small! Click on the image to make it larger ; )

Entering a "just for fun" category on the I ♥ Faces website!
This little one was so cute! But at some point he figured he was done with me, and this was that point!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

{ Lori Bray Photography Allentown, Pa }Brrrrrr, outdoor macros!

Got the urge to do some macro shots today, even though there aren't any flowers, or bugs, to "get close to" out there in this weather! These pictures just go to show you, if you're desperate enough, you'll find inspiration *somewhere*!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

{ Lori Bray Photography Allentown PA} How can you possibly decide what size prints to get?

As is referenced in the post below, BIGGER IS BETTER!

Check out this post from a fellow photographer, regarding what size prints to get for your walls - it's going to make you see things in a whole new light!


Monday, January 11, 2010

Pet Photography Allentown Pa

Casting call!

It's a New Year, time to update the Website portfolio! I'm looking for some specific images, as follows:

Dogs (must be well behaved - that's my *only* requirement)

High School Seniors - Females - sized 2 through 8 - and be willing to pose.
Males - any size, willing to pose in an urban environment

**All participants will receive a free session and an 8x10. Any other images may be purchased at regular prices.**

These sessions ARE limited, and must be done during January and February.

*ALL sessions must sign a model release to be used for marketing and portfolio purposes*
I'm also looking for tween sessions (girls aged 9 through 12) and newborns. These 2 sessions will be at a regular session fee, but that session fee will be applied as a print credit at the time you order!

contact me at lori@loribrayphotography.com as soon as possible!

{ Allentown, Pa Pet Photographer } Happy New Year!

Once again, I'm making a committment to update this blog on a regular basis. This one isn't too "user, or reader friendly" so I'll be making a change in the coming weeks. That should help!

I'm going to be doing a bunch of pet sessions in the next few weeks/months so here's a preview: my inspiration into pet photography. My beautiful 8 year old Shih Tzu, Sierra. We've been together since she was 8 weeks old!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

One more what to wear Lori Bray Photography Allentown, PA

Click on image to view full size - some suggestions on what to wear to your session! Getting lots of emails about this ; )

What to wear? Lori Bray Photography Allentown, PA

I'm often emailed for clothing suggestions for sessions. I am going to start listing some ideas weekly.

The first one would work beautifully for Christmas sessions, or anytime!
*Click on the image to view full size*